Friday, September 9, 2011

So Long, Farewell!

Although we had a spectacular time leaving Nashville to get to NY on just 1 hour of sleep at 3:30am after completing the move in, running around trying to figure out where/how to drop the rental car off, blumbering through the airport with our 9 stuffed bags, and etc., I'll leave that portion to your imagination.

After staying overnight in NY, we set out again with the luggage (who knew we carried so much baggage?) and made our way to JFK where we were greeted by a ticket agent that either hates what she does, hates those she does what she does for, or hates that she does not know what she is doing and I had to give her answers to her dilemmas a handful of times. Whichever the case, we eventually finished with her, waited a while, and got on the plane. Lo & behold, we were seated in business class (opposed to the economy we were expecting) fit with fully reclining seats, several meals/snacks, entertaiment tablets, and our flight attendant, who was the first Russian I have ever seen that is a lover of the art of Smiling. The happiest Russian I have ever seen.

We are now on hour 8 of 16 of our super fun layover...but, at least it's nice and cozy & warm in here (sarcasm?)!!

We are obviously and of course very anxious to get to Uz, where Murod's uncle and mom are waiting for us!

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